Out With the Old, In With the New

Wow, what a crazy decade 2020 turned out to be, right? It’s been a struggle for everyone and, like you, the NextPhase Foundation team is grateful to have the ability to usher it out the door in just less than a month.

Like you, some of our fondest projects planned for this year — in our case it’s the Bees ‘n Butterflies Project and Project Rise ‘n Shine — have been stymied by the COVID outbreak. But the plans are still in place and the associations are still strong, so we are determined to see them both thrive to the vision we’ve set for them.

Meanwhile, a seemingly universal sense of isolation and myriad financial challenges for everyone has presented opportunities to grow our Project #TurnthePage and Project #NexTech initiatives. If your Christmas list is looking thinner than you’d like (particularly for the kids or for vulnerable adults in your sphere) please reach out — we have tons of books we can send along for gifts. We also have a few laptops currently kicking around, so if you know a student in need, reach out to us. The laptop supply is limited, so it will be first-come-first-served, but we can put you on a list for the next batch if it will help. It’s what we’re here for, so nothing would make us happier, seriously. Email us at info@nextphasefndn.org

On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you’d like to make a year-end donation to one of our projects or give a monthly sponsorship as a gift, email us at info@nextphasefndn.org or you can donate directly via PayPal. We also accept books of almost any kind (be nice :)) in good condition, laptops and service donations.

Look for our 2020 Report to come out by mid-April — I’ll be posting it as soon as our tax report is filed. We’re also working on a few other projects but at least early-on, I’d rather under-share and over-perform, so fingers crossed and stay tuned!

Here’s wishing each of you a happy, healthy holiday and a New Year at least closer to the one we all hoped for as the new decade dawned. Be kind to each other. We could all use more of that.

Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the stars,
